An Everywhere Oasis: Heartplace - Literary Journeys through the Center

Literary Works of Each Author
Author Profiles

Literary Journeys through the Center

For sharing experiences of awakening, discovery, or moments of meaningful insight, Heartplace is a literary Web site which has published unusual work of enduring value over a span of 15 years. This anthology of poems, essays, and short stories has grown into a large resource where writers and readers may fruitfully connect. We have published English-language contributions by writers from anywhere in the world, screening all submissions for quality. All authors retain their copyrights.

Heartplace is now closed to new submissions.
The Heartplace Contents Index is below.

Best wishes from the co-editors,
Mary Lambert
Alan Harris

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Heartplace Guestbook Archive
Heartplace Author Profiles
Literary Works of Each Author
Selections are poems unless otherwise labeled.

Charles Albano | April Ardis Anderson | Aaron Brauer | Anne Bryant-Hamon | Janet M. Charter | Nancy Clark | Gary T. Czerwinski | Juanita DeHart | Carol Desjarlais | Susan Eckenrode | Margarita Engle | Linda Etheridge | Sunita Fernandes | Tom H. Forbes | Laryalee Fraser | Dana Geddis | Linda Dominique Grosvenor | Margaret L. Hall | Alan Harris | Kevin Koh In-Chuen | John Irving | Mike Jaycox | Cary Kelly | John Kent | Daniah Lababidi | Mary Lambert | Barry A. Lanier | Janet Leonard | Setiawati Lubis | Bill Marr | Paul Meier | Charlie Morgan | Pat O'Hare | Clayton Parrish | Clarence Pedersen | Eunice Perkins | Reason A. Poteet | Geneva Poynter | Cynthia Proctor | Janet Reid | Mick Ryan | Larry Spirek | Nicholas John Street | Robert Lyle Temple | Gayle Watson Lucille Waters Younger

(Selections are listed by author in the order in which they were posted.)

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