This level of life's ladder
Shows a rather common view,
I've hung out on this rung for long enough.
My vision craves a grasping gaze
Where sight sees hope renewed.
It's time to climb above fake frills and fluff.
Desire for a higher grip
Persuades my feet to move.
Hope looses clinching hands that heart might reach
A level where self settles down
And seeks not to improve,
But go beyond to practice what I preach.
I long to look where soul beholds
Scenes filled with risk and chance;
Faith fizzles with familiarity.
New vistas of adventure
Stimulate as dreams advance.
I'll end at unimagined Destiny.
Farewell oh faithless rung, so-long, good-bye.
Your purpose is depleted though served well.
Past kept me hung but promise lifts me high,
To heights where Hope is honored to propel.