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PDF Book of Complete Poems and Aphorisms Announcement | Book Review by Michael Escoubas |
This page offers a different original quip every day for those who like to laugh or think--or both. The ponderables of the previous two days are also shown, with a link to the past 30 days' offerings. A "Click Until Tired" button displays extra ponderables randomly from a year's supply of 366. Today's moon and its phase are shown. |
In some of these offerings the writing preceded
the photos, while in others the photos led to the writing. Each
of these presentations is put together in the form of a slide
show with photos and text. Arrow buttons allow you to move
forward or backward. Photography was captured by Alan Harris with
a digital camera. |
This collection of combined pairs of photos offers 12 novel views of familiar scenes. Some of these will seem odd, some humorous, and a few surreal. From the index page you can click on any miniature photo to see a large version of that photo. Photo pairs were combined using the layering feature of Paint Shop Pro. (Photography by Alan Harris) |
This series of 37 poems on love, friendship, and their complications is set up as if you were turning pages in a book. Included are poems on such topics as flirtation, maternal love, romance, compatibility, parting, heartbreak, marriage, control, love for humanity, spiritual love, and more. A symbolic photograph accompanies each of the poems. |
Things go wrong. We suffer. Misfortune can cripple our bodies, frazzle our emotions, or fog our intellects. At times like these, empathy and support from others can be not only a comfort but a stimulus toward healing. 36 poems with photos. Please don't expect lightness and humor in these poems. They don't cajole, but they do invite serious thought. |
The ten short stories here vary widely in style and content, but all contain humor, either obvious or wry. Among the essays are Where Is Love? and Suicide and the Agony of Separateness. These twenty essays explore the joys and perplexities of a life we hardly understand, however much we may know. Be prepared for the unusual. |
Subtitled "Literary Journeys through the Center," Heartplace, co-edited by Mary Lambert and Alan Harris, publishes unusual works of enduring literary value from authors writing of awakenings and meaningful insights. Containing poetry, essays, and short stories, this subsite offers nearly 300 literary works submitted by 43 authors from many countries. |
Co-edited by Lucille Younger, Mary Lambert, and Alan Harris, this subsite serves as a publishing outlet for fine literary work deserving of worldwide readership. Forty-one authors from many different countries have contributed over 300 poems, short stories, and essays to make this a truly global collection. |
The poems, humor, and pathos here are out-of-the-ordinary probings into the spirit of this potent holiday season. You may feel the season in the near-silence of snow falling on snow, in the despair at having lost a loved one, or in the quiet majesty of a manger scene. Catch the tongue-in-cheek Christmas FAQ and the Scrooge essay. |
If you enjoy the spoken word, here are many poems written by Alan Harris and given voice by Paul Meier, Brian Harris, or Alan Harris. Playback formats are RealAudio, wave, WMA, or MP3. Currently there are a total of 95 oral readings from which to select. Text is provided for each audio reading. |
This photographic poem offers, in words and pictures, suggestions of angelic presences at sunset. It is one of seven photographic poems and essays offered in the Gallery, all of which combine poetic language with the extra dimensions of meaning made possible by photography. (Photography by Alan Harris) |