Home > Heartplace > Blue Mountain Rhapsody
Selection 11 of 21
Blue Mountain

Blue Mountain Rhapsody

by Mary Lambert
This morning, her scent of sage is sad.
Her brooding face waits, lidded eyes
hidden by dark, rolling clouds.

Last night's turbulence lingers.
Yet, there is promise in her moody
breath. Hints of pine and lavender
indicate new life, new focus.

My prayer is not only that she will speak,
but that I will hear and understand her language.


There is movement!

Her dusky, blue bangs part, unfolding songs
of love and honor for her much maligned and
misunderstood body and the life it supports.

The sacred stone in her forehead awakens!

Snow glitters as her rising sun shines
through a furrowed, crevassed brow.
Fan-like rays usher a silver-blue halo
to ring her shrouded countenance.

Her canyons hum the bass chord of existence,
and begin framing the golden tapestry
of a new day.


A great circle forms above her brow, filled
with the voices of her precious gems and minerals.
Her myriad wild flowers speak through color and
scent, singing her great and kind benevolence.

Totem pines, lofty and majestic, stand in rapt
formation at the edge of the circle. Sloping,
green boughs pyramid as though folded in prayer.
Their rugged trunks carry elemental symbols
pledging an ancient bond with her bounty.

As trees sway in obedient rhythm to her breathy,
feminine dance, they anoint her hollows with
dew which reflects the rising sun.

The day's birth begins with ascending,
spherical chants of joy.


Shrugging off her smoky robe,
she spreads her fertile arms to embrace
us all. As her bountiful heart opens, she
speaks in nature's tongue, through
a symphony of color, smell and sound:


May you know Truth in its humming
ecstasy and the ringing tones of its
golden heart!

May you understand the dance that
synchronizes life and gives it back
to us in exacting formulae.

May you realize the eternal circle
which connects all things.

May you honor and embrace
your heart's ecstatic nature
which yearns to sing and dance
its affinity with the mountain.

Selection 11 of 21

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