There is a man
walking behind me
on Wood Street
in Chicago.
He can't know
my heart hums
a surging theme
from Movement 1
of Mahler's Tenth.
He can't know
why I am walking
on Wood Street
in Chicago.
And why am I?
It takes too long
to think about.
Who is this man
behind me,
What flavors
his feelings?
What obstacles
has he overcome?
What song
is in him?
I somehow am
this man walking
on Wood Street
in Chicago.
I am
his walkingness
behind me,
his grapplingness
with his day.
I can only know
my own form
but he and I
are breathing of
the same Breath.
Mahler's Tenth
plays on within me
as I enter a building.
The man continues
along the street
paying absolutely
no attention to me,
this man walking
on Wood Street
in Chicago
who I am.