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Birdbath, a poem by Mary Lambert
a bird's song, a poem by Beth Pauli
The Hero Raven, a short story by Patricia Kelley-Bledsoe
The Heron, a poem by Mary Lambert
Lemming Dreams and Nightmare Follies, a short story by Sally Carson
Lucky Sap, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Nocturnal Melody, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Nudie and the Beast, light verse by Charles Albano
Spring Song for the Crane Fly, a poem by William A. Holt
Starlings and Crows!, a poem by Mary Lambert
Drive-by, a poem by John Greer
Hope, a poem by Philip Bailey
In the Crowded Hall, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Christmas, a poem by Ken Johnson
Christmas All Year Round, a poem by Juanita DeHart
Christmas Awakening, a poem by Alan Harris
A Christmas Feast, a poem by Juanita DeHart
Christmas Haiku, a set of haiku poems by Alan Harris
A Christmas Light, a poem by Alan Harris
Christmas Pixieland, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
A Christmas Wish, a poem by Ken Johnson
Frequently Asked Questions About Christmas, an essay by Alan Harris
The Greatest Gift, a poem by Mary Lambert
Happy Holidays!, a poem by Charles Albano
Here at the Close of Christmas Day, a poem by Alan Harris
Hope, a poem by Charles Albano
Listening to Christmas, a poem by Alan Harris
Points East, a poem by Mary Lambert
The Scrooge Before Christmas, an essay by Alan Harris
Under the Tree, light verse by John Pillsbury
A Walk through the Dark Blue Night, a poem by Mary Lambert
Within Our Keep, a poem by Alan Harris
Wounded Holidays, a poem by Alan Harris
Cast Shadow, a poem by Beth Pauli
Death, a poem by Robert Esha
Death Is Not a Solitary Thing, a poem by John Kent
Drive-by, a poem by John Greer
The Funeral Band, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Good-Bye, a short story by Philip Bailey
Hara Kiri, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Jimmy, a poem by John Kent
The Man in the House, a poem by John Kent
Nova Scotians All, a poem by Penelope Tippen
Paradox, a poem by John Kent
Plane Ride, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Putting It Off, a poem by William A. Holt
Running from the Sun, a poem by Lucille Younger
S.O.S., a poem by April Ardis Anderson
A Summer Walk, a poem by John Kent
Uncollected Soul, a poem by Robert Esha
Vacation, a poem by William A. Holt
Wounded Holidays, a poem by Alan Harris
Drive-by, a poem by John Greer
Erection of a Wall, a poem by Carolyn Willis-Smith
Griefs That Stay, a poem by Alan Harris
Putting It Off, a poem by William A. Holt
Running from the Sun, a poem by Lucille Younger
Wounded Holidays, a poem by Alan Harris
Bee, a haiku poem by Alan Harris
Christmas Haiku, a set of haiku poems by Alan Harris
Five Haiku, a set of haiku poems by Alan Harris
Haiku Poems, a set of haiku poems by Alan Harris
Haiku Poetry, a set of haiku poems by Ken Johnson
Currents to Nowhere, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
The Fatwa of Harriet Beecher Stowe, a short story by Sally Carson
Inheritance, a poem by Mary Lambert
Mr. Lincoln's Face, a poem by Mary Lambert
New World, a poem by Mary Lambert
Nova Scotians All, a poem by Penelope Tippen
Statue of Liberty, a poem by Penelope Tippen
Washington at Mount Vernon, a poem by Charles Albano
50-year reunion, light verse by John Pillsbury
Appearances Can Be Deceptive, a short story by Sally Carson
As I Was Growing Up, an essay by Clarence Pedersen
Beginnings, a poem by Melissa Gammill
billy bob, light verse saga by John Pillsbury
The Bus Driver, light verse by John Pillsbury
A Conversation in C and D Minor, a short story by Sally Carson
The Cowboy, light verse by John Pillsbury
The Emperor Strikes Back, a short story by Allen Thomas
Frequently Asked Questions About Christmas, an essay by Alan Harris
God and Tenure, light verse by John Pillsbury
Internet Lovers, light verse by John Pillsbury
Interpreting Geese, a poem by Alan Harris
king dan, light verse by John Pillsbury Nudie and the Beast, light verse by Charles Albano
Of Trees and E's, light verse by William A. Holt
Perfect Marriage, light verse by John Pillsbury
Something To Think About, a poem by Coley Couture
Taxi Cab, a short story by Gwendolyn Verner
A Toast, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Those Summer Days, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Vinnie, a short story by Charlie Morgan
Y2K, light verse by John Pillsbury
Sleeping Babe, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
Within Our Keep, a poem by Alan Harris
Briefing, a poem by Alan Harris
The Buddha, a poem by Mary Lambert
Christmas Awakening, a poem by Alan Harris
A Christmas Light, a poem by Alan Harris
Claritas, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Clear Water, a poem by Mary Lambert
Each Thought a Prayer, a poem by John Pillsbury
Easter, a poem by Mary Lambert
Falls Visitor, a poem by Alan Harris
For the Preacher, a poem by Charlie Morgan
The Fourth Window, a poem by Charlie Morgan
Guardian of the Dream, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
Haiku Poems, a set of haiku poems by Alan Harris
Here and the Ground, a poem by Alan Harris
Here at the Close of Christmas Day, a poem by Alan Harris
Hope, a poem by Charles Albano
I Beg of You, My Love, a poem by Beth Pauli
Inner Wings, a poem by Juanita DeHart
Life after Life, a poem by John Pillsbury Listening to Christmas, a poem by Alan Harris
Meeting, a poem by Alan Harris
Mr. Lincoln's Face, a poem by Mary Lambert
Nadir, a poem by Mary Lambert
Ode to the Darkness, a poem by Lois Pedersen
The Race, a poem by Barbara Lutz
Rain, a poem by Mary Lambert
The Road To..., a poem by Charlie Morgan
Ronnie Discovered, a poem by Johnny Sorehand
The Silver Forest, a poem by Mary Lambert
Table Grace, a poem by Alan Harris
A Tear in the Universe: Sisters of Charity, BVM, an essay by Lucille Younger
A Thanksgiving Prayer, a poem by Charles Albano
Thinking Is Believing, a poem by John Pillsbury
Thoughts Along a Winter's Walk, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Timpany, a poem by Mary Lambert
Trial by Fire, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Trusting Emotions - Are We Safe in Them?, an essay by Alan Harris
Untitled, a poem by Charlie Morgan
Within Our Keep, a poem by Alan Harris
Wounded Holidays, a poem by Alan Harris
a bird's song, a poem by Beth Pauli
Falling, a poem by Lucille Younger
The Inside Cry, a poem by Jim Moore
Moving North, a poem by Mary Lambert
Saturn, a poem by Mary Lambert
Accomplice, a poem by Linda Dominique Grosvenor
Acquiescence, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Ambivalence, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Anhedonia, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Asphyxia, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Awakening With You, a poem by DarkEyes
Bereft, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Brink, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Broken Triangle, a short story by Jill Moore
Carvings, a poem by Melissa Gammill
Cast Shadow, a poem by Beth Pauli
Casualty of War, a poem by John Kent Chance Encounter, a poem by Philip Bailey
Choice, a poem by John Greer
Claritas, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Credible, a poem by Linda Dominique Grosvenor
Dancing, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Dawn to Dusk, a poem by Gayle Watson Day After Anniversary, a poem by Joanne Marissa Leow
href="mgdefining.htm">Defining, a poem by Melissa Gammill
Doux et Sage (Soft and Wise), a poem by Penelope Tippen
Drawing Near, Painting Nigh, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Drowning, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Erection of a Wall, a poem by Carolyn Willis-Smith
For My Beloved......, a poem by Koh In-Chuen
Fool's Gold, a poem by Seņor Bolsa
The Friendship Ring, a poem by Linda Etheridge
Hands, a poem by Linda Dominique Grosvenor
Happenstance, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Heartbeat, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
The Hero Raven, a short story by Patricia Kelley-Bledsoe
I Beg of You, My Love, a poem by Beth Pauli
I Have Begun, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
hurt(L)ing, a poem by Joanne Marissa Leow
Illicit, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Je lui a donne, a poem by Penelope Tippen
In Sleep He's Mine, a poem by DarkEyes Internet Lovers, light verse by John Pillsbury
Kiss, a poem by Linda Dominique Grosvenor
A Kiss, a poem by John Greer
last hurrah, a poem by Melissa Gammill
Love Is Only Tachycardia, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
a love lost, a poem by Beth Pauli
Lovers, a poem by DarkEyes
The Man in the House, a poem by John Kent
A Millennial Date, a poem by Alan Harris
My Knee Song, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
No Better Man, a poem by DarkEyes
One Nanosecond, a poem by Nicholas John Street
Paul's Face, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Perfect Marriage, light verse by John Pillsbury
Perfection, a poem by Linda Dominique Grosvenor
Place Values, a poem by Lucille Younger
Post-Embrace, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Premonition, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Reflections, a poem by DarkEyes
Regret, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Restraint, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Salvation, a poem by Melissa Gammill
Strange Moods, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Stupor, a poem by Melissa Gammill
Take Me, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
Tea on My Leg, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Tell Me, a poem by DarkEyes
Tender, a poem by Amanda Burchfield
Three Poems, a set of poems by Gary Czerwinski
To My Last Love, a poem by Linda Etheridge
A Toast, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Untitled, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
A Walk in a Dark Place, a poem by John Kent
Watching No Baseball, a poem by Alan Harris
Why I Am Silent, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Yew Tree, a poem by Nicholas John Street
Aged Truth, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Angels of the Sunset, a photographic poem by Alan Harris
archetype, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Asking the Quiet Fire, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Birdbath, a poem by Mary Lambert
Clouds, a poem by Alan Harris
Connection, a poem by Nicholas John Street
ecstasy, a poem by Beth Pauli
An Evening Question, a poem by Alan Harris
For Shelley, a poem by Melissa Gammill
Guardian of the Dream, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
Interpreting Geese, a poem by Alan Harris
Night Dance, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
Paintbrush Paints a Thousand Lives, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Peace - Its Inner Hiding Places, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Pentheus to Dionysos, a poem by William A. Holt
Plane Ride, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Premonitions, a poem by Gayle Watson
Railing West, a poem by Alan Harris
Reflections, a poem by DarkEyes
Sculptures on Water, a poem by Nicholas John Street
seeing you, a poem by Alan Harris
Serenity, a poem by Gayle Watson
Sleep Awakens, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
The Song, a poem by Charlie Morgan
Still Life, a poem by Alan Harris
Storm Tea, a poem by Alan Harris
A Summer Walk, a poem by John Kent
Taps, a poem by John Kent
Untitled, a poem by Kevin Drapela
A Villanelle for Vulcan, a poem by William A. Holt
Well Spent, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Angels of the Sunset, a photographic poem by Alan Harris
Asking the Quiet Fire, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Bee, a haiku poem by Alan Harris
Burning Forests, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
A Christmas Light, a poem by Alan Harris
Clouds, a prose poem by Alan Harris
Connection, a poem by Nicholas John Street
Cottonwood Seeds, an essay by Alan Harris
Diamond Dusted, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
An Evening Question, a poem by Alan Harris
Meeting, a poem by Alan Harris
Nocturnal Melody, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Paradox, a poem by John Kent
Peace - Its Inner Hiding Places, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Pines, a poem by Mary Lambert
Sculptures on Water, a poem by Nicholas John Street
Serenity, a poem by Gayle Watson
The Silver Forest, a poem by Mary Lambert
Spring Song for the Crane Fly, a poem by William A. Holt
Storm Tea, a poem by Alan Harris
Thoughts Along a Winter's Walk, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Thunderstorm, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Asking the Quiet Fire, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Asylum of My Mind, a poem by Beth Pauli
Bird's-eye View, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
Briefing, a poem by Alan Harris
A Christmas Light, a poem by Alan Harris
Cosmic Dust, a poem by DarkEyes
Cottonwood Seeds, an essay by Alan Harris
Counting to One, a poem by Alan Harris A Declaration of Dependence, an essay by Lois Pedersen Here and the Ground, a poem by Alan Harris
Illusion, a poem by John Pillsbury
Infidel, a poem by Mary Lambert
liberty to say, a poem by Beth Pauli
Life Graffiti, a poem by Beth Pauli
Meeting, a poem by Alan Harris
A Millennial Date, a poem by Alan Harris
Night, a poem by Alan Harris
No Sooner, a poem by Johnny Sorehand
One Mystery in Two Metaphors, a set of poems by Alan Harris
Passing Through, a poem by Alan Harris Pointless, a poem by Wendy Loh
Railing West, a poem by Alan Harris
Spirits and Spooks, a poem by Alan Harris
Thinking Is Believing, a poem by John Pillsbury
Thought Children, an essay by James Brittain
Thoughts Along a Winter's Walk, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
To Wake Up To, a poem by Alan Harris
Watching No Baseball, a poem by Alan Harris
Angels of the Sunset, a photographic poem by Alan Harris
Asking the Quiet Fire, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Bunga Rucka, a poem with photographs by Alan Harris
Peace - Its Inner Hiding Places, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Thoughts Along a Winter's Walk, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Infidel, a poem by Mary Lambert
Nova Scotians All, a poem by Penelope Tippen
3 a.m., a poem by Allen Thomas
Accosted, a poem by Allen Thomas
archetype, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Beginnings, a poem by Melissa Gammill
billy bob, light verse saga by John Pillsbury
Briefing, a poem by Alan Harris
Broken Record, a poem by Amanda Burchfield
Broken Triangle, a short story by Jill Moore
Bunga Rucka, a poem with photographs by Alan Harris
Carvings, a poem by Melissa Gammill
Closed Cocoon, a poem by Juanita DeHart
The Comfort of Constant Motion, a poem by Beth Pauli
Commuting Past the 'Hood, a poem by Alan Harris
Dilemma, a poem by Alan Harris
Do Not Belong, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
The Dragon in My Eyes, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
endure, a poem by Beth Pauli
Exotic Sweetness, a poem by Amanda Burchfield
The Experiment, a short story by Clarence Pedersen
The Fall, a poem by Mary Lambert
Fate, a poem by Mary Lambert
a father's knowledge, a poem by Beth Pauli The Fatwa of Harriet Beecher Stowe, a short story by Sally Carson
The Funeral Band, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Good-Bye, a short story by Philip Bailey
Graveyard Dance, a poem by Beth Pauli Haiku Poems, a set of haiku poems by Alan Harris
Pointless, a poem by Wendy Loh
A Happy Little Story, a poem by Coley Couture
Hara Kiri, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
In the Crowded Hall, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
The Lie, a poem by Mary Lambert
Liverpool Street Station, a poem by Nicholas John Street
Madhouse, a poem by Nicholas John Street
Memory, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
A Millennial Date, a poem by Alan Harris
Misery, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Night, a poem by Alan Harris
Nososphobia, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Ocean, a poem by Mary Lambert
One Nanosecond, a poem by Nicholas John Street
Ouija, a poem by William A. Holt
Peace - Its Inner Hiding Places, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Physical Sense, a poem by Beth Pauli
Place Values, a poem by Lucille Younger
The Scrooge Before Christmas, an essay by Alan Harris
Seeing, a poem by Lucille Younger
seeing you, a poem by Alan Harris
Somnambulism, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Spirit in a Bottle, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Spirits and Spooks, a poem by Alan Harris
table talk, a poem by Beth Pauli
A Thing of Anguish, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Three Dawns, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
tired but fully clothed, a poem by Beth Pauli
Trusting Emotions - Are We Safe in Them?, an essay by Alan Harris
turn from the mirror, a poem by Beth Pauli
Watching No Baseball, a poem by Alan Harris
What Am I?, a poem by Beth Pauli
What, Ms. Wynkoop?, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Why God?, a poem by Beth Pauli
Writer's Block, a poem by Nicholas John Street
As I Was Growing Up, an essay by Clarence Pedersen
The Friendship Ring, a poem by Linda Etheridge
Inheritance, a poem by Mary Lambert
New World, a poem by Mary Lambert
The Duality of the Japanese Meal, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Military Intelligence, a poem by William A. Holt
Shopping Cheap, a poem by Alan Harris
Adagio, a poem by Mary Lambert
Asking the Quiet Fire, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Eager for Spring, a poem by Carolyn Willis-Smith
The Fall, a poem by Mary Lambert
How Peaceful, This Night, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
Octobre, a poem by Mary Lambert
Premonitions, a poem by Gayle Watson
Sleep Awakens, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Spirits and Spooks, a poem by Alan Harris
Spring Song for the Crane Fly, a poem by William A. Holt
Storm Tea, a poem by Alan Harris
Thoughts Along a Winter's Walk, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Toward November, a poem by Mary Lambert
Accosted, a poem by Allen Thomas
Commuting Past the 'Hood, a poem by Alan Harris
It'll Be the Time, a poem by Coley Couture
Jimmy, a poem by John Kent
Lives in the Balance, an essay by Philip Bailey
Shopping Cheap, a poem by Alan Harris
The Stoop Sitters, a poem by John Kent
A Walk in a Dark Place, a poem by John Kent
As I Watch Life Pass By, a poem by DarkEyes
Golgotha, a poem by Mary Lambert
Heat, a poem by Mary Lambert
hurt(L)ing, a poem by Joanne Marissa Leow
When it has ended..., a poem by Wendy Loh
Battlefields, a poem by John Kent
Casualty of War, a poem by John Kent Never Forgotten, a poem by John Kent
Paradox, a poem by John Kent
A Summer Walk, a poem by John Kent
Taps, a poem by John Kent
A Walk in a Dark Place, a poem by John Kent
Birdbath, a poem by Mary Lambert
The Emperor Strikes Back, a short story by Allen Thomas
Five Definings, a poem by Alan Harris
Meeting, a poem by Alan Harris
A Millennial Date, a poem by Alan Harris
Thoughts Along a Winter's Walk, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
What, Ms. Wynkoop?, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
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