Paul's Face
by April Ardis Anderson
I remember
His hair
Silver scintillating in sunlight
Each strand coated
With lustrous experience
All in place, firm stance
Yet soft and gentle as
The tender breeze that huddled us together.
I recall
His eyes
Their adoring gaze
Like mysterious gypsy crystals
Strong, optic steel beams
Caressing the young imagination
Inside of myself
And within I envisioned my future.
I reminesce
About the heavy criss-cross bags
Beneath those eyes
Hung like wet fabric on a clothesline
Footprinted with washboard sand ruffles
Created by oceans
Tides of sadness, despair, anger
Mirth, joy, and laughter
Rolling out, cascading down creases and crinkles
The wrinkles
Puckered indentions
Each stealing away
Their scavenged moments of emotion
That once stampeded across the valleys
And bumps
Spanning to every corner and pocket
Each journey mapped
On his loving face.