Home > Garden of Grasses > Night
Nightby Alan HarrisUpside-down flowers,are we not? With stems rooted upward into the deep? Your soul, a kindly conduit, umbilicates your body into the placental night that is fathomless and fully empty of where and when. Take away the night? Absurd. One night minus one night equals one night. Afraid of night? Dread the shadows? Learn from them. Shadows tell stories, emit fragrant meanings, take you deeper than your feet. Especially observe inner shadows, even if they speak no words-- hear them out, and hear them in. Look beneath shadows-- drop through into wider shadows and feel safe in full bewilderment. Afraid of unknowing? Make your peace with it, and your days may smile. When you know definitely, the vast night will remind you that you know nothing. When you wish for powers, the night may wisely hold them back. But to be still with night may bring you as much truth as your heart can hold. Night wants to abide underneath your day while you work-- wants to enwomb you between days. Let night have its way, its gentle way-- soften into its fullness. Night is the container of nothing less than everything.