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Cosmic Dust

by DarkEyes
A speck of dust is how I feel
Within God's universe.
A single breath to turn the wheel
As reeling, I disperse.

Eradicate my life on earth
And I would not exist;
A date is all I have of birth,
From mem'ry I'm dismissed.

Life seems a game where I'm a pawn,
A Snake and Ladders board.
The forward steps with every dawn,
The slips I'm sure were scored.

An endless journey, I have found
To be where I am now,
Yet to this earth I feel I'm bound
For to His Will I bow.

My children, dearest to my heart,
Belong to me no more.
It's certain that I'll from them part
When I go out the door

The memories of you I've kept,
Their secret safely sealed.
The love I felt, the tears I've wept,
Within my soul concealed.

That's all I am, a speck of dust;
I see you're also one.
You blew in with a single gust,
Bound in a web He spun.

His finger traced our destinies,
We met and loved, you see.
So take my hand and thank Him, please,
Forever is our plea.

And when the roaring tempest comes,
The winds upon us blow,
Two specks of dust, like cracker crumbs,
Eternally will glow.

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