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The Friendship Ring

by Linda Etheridge
A cloud was round the moon that night
as we spoke of the past
our loves and lovers,
Europe, the glad tidings
of children yet to be born.
It was mid-August
sweet tea ginko leaves
shimmered under grey haze
above our earth...
It was New York City
a spell of luck was upon us
we were married,
the time was ripe for harvesting
gardens and dreams.
We were young
and truly alive,
the space of love was intense,
there was inner perfection
and joy.
There was time to speak
of the nineteen sixties-
a dream of peace
that never worked,
there was a cloud round the moon.
A restless breeze came about
the trees rustled,
a slight rain began to fall.
(Some survive, some do not.)
Finally, in sweet slumber
we dreamt of pink beaches,
colorful umbrellas.

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Copyright © 1999 by Linda Etheridge. All rights reserved.