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Title Index of All Literary Offerings

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3 a.m., a poem by Allen Thomas
50-year reunion, light verse by John Pillsbury


Accomplice, a poem by Linda Dominique Grosvenor
Accosted, a poem by Allen Thomas
Acquiescence, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Adagio, a poem by Mary Lambert
Aged Truth, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Ambivalence, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Angels of the Sunset, a photographic poem by Alan Harris
Anhedonia, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Appearances Can Be Deceptive, a short story by Sally Carson
archetype, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
As I Was Growing Up, an essay by Clarence Pedersen
As I Watch Life Pass By, a poem by DarkEyes
Asking the Quiet Fire, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Asphyxia, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Asylum of My Mind, a poem by Beth Pauli
Awakening With You, a poem by DarkEyes


Battlefields, a poem by John Kent
Bee, a haiku poem by Alan Harris
Beginnings, a poem by Melissa Gammill
Bereft, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
billy bob, light verse by John Pillsbury
Birdbath, a poem by Mary Lambert
Bird's-eye View, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
a bird's song, a poem by Beth Pauli
Briefing, a poem by Alan Harris
Brink, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Broken Record, a poem by Amanda Burchfield
Bunga Rucka, a poem with photographs by Alan Harris
Burning Forests, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
The Bus Driver, light verse by John Pillsbury


Carvings, a poem by Melissa Gammill
Cast Shadow, a poem by Beth Pauli
Casualty of War, a poem by John Kent
Chance Encounter, a poem by Philip Bailey
Choice, a poem by John Greer
Christmas, a poem by Ken Johnson
Christmas All Year Round, a poem by Juanita DeHart
Christmas Awakening, a poem by Alan Harris
A Christmas Feast, a poem by Juanita DeHart
Christmas Haiku, a set of haiku poems by Alan Harris
A Christmas Light, a poem by Alan Harris
Christmas Pixieland, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
A Christmas Wish, a poem by Ken Johnson
Claritas, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Clear Water, a poem by Mary Lambert
Closed Cocoon, a poem by Juanita DeHart
Clouds, a poem by Alan Harris
The Comfort of Constant Motion, a poem by Beth Pauli
Commuting Past the 'Hood, a poem by Alan Harris
Connection, a poem by Nicholas John Street
A Conversation in C and D Minor, a short story by Sally Carson
Cosmic Dust, a poem by DarkEyes
Cottonwood Seeds, an essay by Alan Harris
Counting to One, a poem by Alan Harris
The Cowboy, light verse by John Pillsbury
Credible, a poem by Linda Dominique Grosvenor
Currents to Nowhere, a poem by Cynthia Proctor


Dancing, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Dawn to Dusk, a poem by Gayle Watson
Day After Anniversary, a poem by Joanne Marissa Leow
Death, a poem by Robert Esha
Death Is Not a Solitary Thing, a poem by John Kent
A Declaration of Dependence, an essay by Lois Pedersen
Defining, a poem by Melissa Gammill
Diamond Dusted, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
Dilemma, a poem by Alan Harris
Do Not Belong, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Doux et Sage (Soft and Wise), a poem by Penelope Tippen
The Dragon in My Eyes, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Drawing Near, Painting Nigh, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Drive-by, a poem by John Greer
Drowning, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
The Duality of the Japanese Meal, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow


Each Thought a Prayer, a poem by John Pillsbury
Eager for Spring, a poem by Carolyn Willis-Smith
Easter, a poem by Mary Lambert
ecstasy, a poem by Beth Pauli
The Emperor Strikes Back, a short story by Allen Thomas
endure, a poem by Beth Pauli
Erection of a Wall, a poem by Carolyn Willis-Smith
An Evening Question, a poem by Alan Harris
Exotic Sweetness, a poem by Amanda Burchfield
The Experiment, a short story by Clarence Pedersen


The Fall, a poem by Mary Lambert
Falling, a poem by Lucille Younger
Falls Visitor, a poem by Alan Harris
Fate, a poem by Mary Lambert
a father's knowledge, a poem by Beth Pauli
The Fatwa of Harriet Beecher Stowe, a short story by Sally Carson
Five Definings, a poem by Alan Harris
Five Haiku, a set of haiku poems by Alan Harris
Fool's Gold, a poem by Seņor Bolsa
For My Beloved......, a poem by Koh In-Chuen
For Shelley, a poem by Melissa Gammill
For the Preacher, a poem by Charlie Morgan
The Fourth Window, a poem by Charlie Morgan
Frequently Asked Questions About Christmas, an essay by Alan Harris
The Friendship Ring, a poem by Linda Etheridge
The Funeral Band, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow


God and Tenure, light verse by John Pillsbury
Golgotha, a poem by Mary Lambert
Good-Bye, a short story by Philip Bailey
Graveyard Dance, a poem by Beth Pauli
The Greatest Gift, a poem by Mary Lambert
Griefs That Stay, a poem by Alan Harris
Guardian of the Dream, a poem by Cynthia Proctor


Haiku Poems, a set of haiku poems by Alan Harris
Haiku Poetry, a set of haiku poems by Ken Johnson
Hands, a poem by Linda Dominique Grosvenor
Happenstance, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Happy, a poem by Wendy Loh
Happy Holidays!, a poem by Charles Albano
A Happy Little Story, a poem by Coley Couture
Hara Kiri, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Heartbeat, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Heat, a poem by Mary Lambert
Here and the Ground, a poem by Alan Harris
Here at the Close of Christmas Day, a poem by Alan Harris
The Hero Raven, a short story by Patricia Kelley-Bledsoe
The Heron, a poem by Mary Lambert
Hope, a poem by Charles Albano
Hope, a poem by Philip Bailey
How Peaceful, This Night, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
hurt(L)ing, a poem by Joanne Marissa Leow


I Beg of You, My Love, a poem by Beth Pauli
I Have Begun, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Illicit, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Illusion, a poem by John Pillsbury
In Sleep He's Mine, a poem by DarkEyes
In the Crowded Hall, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Infidel, a poem by Mary Lambert
Inheritance, a poem by Mary Lambert
Inner Wings, a poem by Juanita DeHart
The Inside Cry, a poem by Jim Moore
Internet Lovers, light verse by John Pillsbury
Interpreting Geese, a poem by Alan Harris
It'll Be the Time, a poem by Coley Couture


Je lui a donne, a poem by Penelope Tippen
Jimmy, a poem by John Kent


king dan, light verse by John Pillsbury
Kiss, a poem by Linda Dominique Grosvenor
A Kiss, a poem by John Greer


last hurrah, a poem by Melissa Gammill
Lemming Dreams and Nightmare Follies, a short story by Sally Carson
liberty to say, a poem by Beth Pauli
The Lie, a poem by Mary Lambert
Life after Life, a poem by John Pillsbury
Life Graffiti, a poem by Beth Pauli
Listening to Christmas, a poem by Alan Harris
Liverpool Street Station, a poem by Nicholas John Street
Lives in the Balance, an essay by Philip Bailey
Love Is Only Tachycardia, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
a love lost, a poem by Beth Pauli
Lovers, a poem by DarkEyes
Lucky Sap, a poem by April Ardis Anderson


Madhouse, a poem by Nicholas John Street
The Man in the House, a poem by John Kent
Meeting, a poem by Alan Harris
Memory, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Military Intelligence, a poem by William A. Holt
A Millennial Date, a poem by Alan Harris
Misery, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Moving North, a poem by Mary Lambert
Mr. Lincoln's Face, a poem by Mary Lambert
My Knee Song, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow


Nadir, a poem by Mary Lambert
Never Forgotten, a poem by John Kent
New World, a poem by Mary Lambert
Night, a poem by Alan Harris
Night Dance, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
No Better Man, a poem by DarkEyes
No Sooner, a poem by Johnny Sorehand
Nocturnal Melody, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Nososphobia, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Nova Scotians All, a poem by Penelope Tippen
Nudie and the Beast, light verse by Charles Albano


Ocean, a poem by Mary Lambert
Octobre, a poem by Mary Lambert
Ode to the Darkness, a poem by Lois Pedersen
Of Trees and E's, light verse by William A. Holt
One Mystery in Two Metaphors, a set of poems by Alan Harris
One Nanosecond, a poem by Nicholas John Street
Ouija, a poem by William A. Holt


Paintbrush Paints a Thousand Lives, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Paradox, a poem by John Kent
Passing Through, a poem by Alan Harris
Paul's Face, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Peace - Its Inner Hiding Places, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Pentheus to Dionysos, a poem by William A. Holt
Perfect Marriage, light verse by John Pillsbury
Perfection, a poem by Linda Dominique Grosvenor
Physical Sense, a poem by Beth Pauli
Pines, a poem by Mary Lambert
Place Values, a poem by Lucille Younger
Plane Ride, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Pointless, a poem by Wendy Loh
Points East, a poem by Mary Lambert
Post-Embrace, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Premonition, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Premonitions, a poem by Gayle Watson
Putting It Off, a poem by William A. Holt


The Race, a poem by Barbara Lutz
Railing West, a poem by Alan Harris
Rain, a poem by Mary Lambert
Reflections, a poem by DarkEyes
Regret, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Restraint, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
The Road To..., a poem by Charlie Morgan
Ronnie Discovered, a poem by Johnny Sorehand
Running from the Sun, a poem by Lucille Younger


Salvation, a poem by Melissa Gammill
Saturn, a poem by Mary Lambert
The Scrooge Before Christmas, an essay by Alan Harris
Sculptures on Water, a poem by Nicholas John Street
seeing you, a poem by Alan Harris
Seeing, a poem by Lucille Younger
Serenity, a poem by Gayle Watson
Shopping Cheap, a poem by Alan Harris
The Silver Forest, a poem by Mary Lambert
Sleep Awakens, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Sleeping Babe, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
Soft and Wise, a poem by Penelope Tippen
Something To Think About, a poem by Coley Couture
Somnambulism, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
The Song, a poem by Charlie Morgan
S.O.S., a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Spirit in a Bottle, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Spirits and Spooks, a poem by Alan Harris
Spring Song for the Crane Fly, a poem by William A. Holt
Starlings and Crows!, a poem by Mary Lambert
Statue of Liberty, a poem by Penelope Tippen
Still Life, a poem by Alan Harris
The Stoop Sitters, a poem by John Kent
Storm Tea, a poem by Alan Harris
Strange Moods, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Stupor, a poem by Melissa Gammill
A Summer Walk, a poem by John Kent


Table Grace, a poem by Alan Harris
table talk, a poem by Beth Pauli
Take Me, a poem by Cynthia Proctor
Taps, a poem by John Kent
Taxi Cab, a short story by Gwendolyn Verner
Tea on My Leg, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
A Tear in the Universe: Sisters of Charity, BVM, an essay by Lucille Younger
Tell Me, a poem by DarkEyes
Tender, a poem by Amanda Burchfield
A Thanksgiving Prayer, a poem by Charles Albano
A Thing of Anguish, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Thinking Is Believing, a poem by John Pillsbury
Those Summer Days, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Thoughts Along a Winter's Walk, a photographic essay by Alan Harris
Thought Children, an essay by James Brittain
Three Dawns, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Three Poems, a set of poems by Gary Czerwinski
Thunderstorm, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Timpany, a poem by Mary Lambert
tired but fully clothed, a poem by Beth Pauli
To My Last Love, a poem by Linda Etheridge
To Wake Up To, a poem by Alan Harris
A Toast, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
Toward November, a poem by Mary Lambert
Trial by Fire, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Trusting Emotions - Are We Safe in Them?, an essay by Alan Harris
turn from the mirror, a poem by Beth Pauli


Uncollected Soul, a poem by Robert Esha
Under the Tree, light verse by John Pillsbury
Untitled, a poem by Kevin Drapela
Untitled, a poem by Charlie Morgan
Untitled, a poem by April Ardis Anderson


Vacation, a poem by William A. Holt
A Villanelle for Vulcan, a poem by William A. Holt
Vinnie, a short story by Charlie Morgan


A Walk in a Dark Place, a poem by John Kent
A Walk through the Dark Blue Night, a poem by Mary Lambert
Washington at Mount Vernon, a poem by Charles Albano
Watching No Baseball, a poem by Alan Harris
Well Spent, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
What Am I?, a poem by Beth Pauli
What, Ms. Wynkoop?, a poem by April Ardis Anderson
When it has ended..., a poem by Wendy Loh
Why God?, a poem by Beth Pauli
Why I Am Silent, a poem by Joanne Marisa Leow
Within Our Keep, a poem by Alan Harris
Wounded Holidays, a poem by Alan Harris
Writer's Block, a poem by Nicholas John Street


Y2K, light verse by John Pillsbury
Yew Tree, a poem by Nicholas John Street

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