Selected Poems on Love
written by
Alan Harris
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Pain and Promise
If only it
How can I
When will this
Can I ever
Is there any
Why am I
This is too
Better is later
This shall pass
Now to learn
We are loved
Never all alone
Be in being
Endure in light
Fireflies Don't Bite (2002)
Alan Harris
{Click here for links to all poems in series}
Poem 1: After a Mostness of Hurt
Poem 2: Analogies for Love
Poem 3: Mother Greets Newborn
Poem 4: Beneath a Flirtation
Poem 5: Bidentity
Poem 6: Bittersweet
Poem 7: Bond
Poem 8: Doing What One Can Do
Poem 9: Electric Heart
Poem 10: Fireplace
Poem 11: Friendlight
Poem 12: Gifts That Stay
Poem 13: Hot Date or Soul Mate?
Poem 14: Kind of
Poem 15: It All Rises
Poem 16: Just Asking
Poem 17: Love Is
Poem 18: A Love Song
Poem 19: A Meditation
Poem 20: The Middle Way
Poem 21: A Millennial Date
Poem 22: Mother's Secret
Poem 23: A New Fading of Before
Poem 24: One Glance
Poem 25: Pain and Promise
Poem 26: Quiet
Poem 27: Release from the Known
Poem 28: Restaurant Miff
Poem 29: River Pair
Poem 30: seeing you
Poem 31: Sensing a Future
Poem 32: Song of the Sick Minstrel
Poem 33: Three Kisses
Poem 34: Three Root Words
Poem 35: To My Wife
Poem 36: Two Birds in a Tree
Poem 37: Walk
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Copyright © 2002 by Alan Harris. All rights reserved.
Photo: Corel Xara Clip Art